If you’re actively looking for ways to resolve this exact error message that is keeping you from using zip files, then this article will provide you with a list of quality troubleshooting steps.

If this scenario is applicable, you can resolve the issue by using the 3rd party software to unzip the files.
#Zip and mac zip file#
Permission on the zip files – In some case, the permission to read/write or directory of the zip file can be responsible for this particular error.Because Archive Utility doesn’t allow you to unzip large files. Several users finding themselves in a similar situation have reported that they managed to resolve the issue after using Terminal with the unzip command to expand the zip file. Zip file containing a very large file – Another Potential case in which this error occurs is when unzipping (decompressing) a very large file.In this case, you can resolve this issue by downloading the file again without closing the downloading website or by downloading through Terminal. Whenever this happens, you will be unable to open the zip file, even though the file might be present in Download folders. The download file is damaged – When you are downloading files in a browser on Mac OS, there’s a chance that the file might not be downloaded correctly and completely because of closing the websites before the downloading completion.